1:1 Sales Training & Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs and Salespeople

"Selling isn't something you do to others, it is something you do with them."

Who doesn't want to get more customers and clients that value their products and services? That is why we try every tip, trick and alphabet soup of sales processes and never understand why it seems to work maybe 50% of the time.

Your buyers are demanding more. They want sales conversation where they feel listened to, understood and collaborated with.

Don't we all?

When you put your buyer's needs first and engage with them they way they prefer, you will earn their trust and business.

Yet sometimes, we get in our own way. The good news?  You can change that. 

This program is best for entrepreneurs who:

  • are looking to find product marketing fit
  • get more paid pilots
  • sell enterprise contracts
  • increase sales velocity to appeal to investors

Individual sellers in companies who believe in self-investment are good fits for this program when:

  • you have goals that include going over quota
  • you are worried you will get put on a plan
  • you've plateaued and aren't sure why
  • you are have a new role, buyer, market, or product/service to sell with

While results vary based on individual strengths and weaknesses, driven and motivated individuals who put in the work typically fly past their initial goals.

  • Entrepreneurs average $0-350k ARR in 6-9 months.
  • Individual sellers have hit over quota by an average of 125-250%.

Each private session is coached by Carole Mahoney, Author of Buyer First: Grow Your Business with Collaborative Selling and Entrepreneurial Sales Coach at Harvard Business School. 

This 12 week program starts at $10k and includes access to previously recorded classroom training sessions, worksheets and 1:1 meetings twice a week, Mon/Wed, or Tue/Thur, PLUS:

  • Call recording technology, or call reviews with your technology.
  • Email reviews and content suggestions for your outreach and follow up messaging.
  • Social selling best practices and profile reviews with suggested edits.
  • Proactive referral strategies to expand and develop your personal network.
  • Decision science best practices that align your sales process with your ideal buyer's process.

Once you have completed the 12 week program you are eligible for the Buyer First community program where you can connect with other like-minded sales and business professionals for small group coaching to maintain your new sales habits.

Complete the form below to schedule a call to discuss your goals, previous challenges, and questions.

1:1 Sales Training & Coaching program