Today is a significant day. Not just because it is my birthday. Not just because there are only about 40 valid selling days left to the end of this year. (And no, not just because we're at the doorstep to winter.)
But today is the day I draw my line in the sand. That line is smarketing.
Through the past 10+ years of various study, practice, test and trial it seems as though the past month has been like the labor of an 11lb baby. But the pain is forgotten once the vision has a name.
From the first website I created in college after I convinced my hard nosed, stubborn, and passionate boss to dump her yellow pages website and let me and my college buddies create one for a 100$. (It is still generating business for them today.)
To spending my entire first consulting check to go to NYC for the first time and study with visionaries like Brian & Jeffrey Eisenberg, authors of "Waiting for your Cat to Bark". (That may not seem a big deal to you- but to this country chick it was.)
And then being lucky enough to meet the brave and visionary colleagues who were gutsy enough to let me turn the first tests into a best practice.
The last, and perhaps most important aspect, of the smarketing blueprint was a new technique altogether-sales.
Things can never be the same again.
And I have a lot of people to thank for it.
So celebrate with me on my birthday by listening to my smarketing radio interview, or pick up the Oct issue of Mainebiz and check out our article on page 30.
I'm beyond excited to see smarketing spread and continue to create new paradigms.
As an extremely wise person once told me, "There are those who will take this and apply it in ways that we can't even imagine."
Smells like innovation to us. Couldn't come at a better time. What do you think? Just another buzzword?