Ever wondered how many touches it really takes to convert a prospect? Most of the data suggests that anywhere between seven and twelve touches are effective, with diminishing returns after twelve. But what do these touches look like?
Embarking on the journey towards achieving our goals is often a personal and transformative experience. Dr. Gail Matthews conducted a groundbreaking study at the Dominican University where individuals were taken through a five-step process to set...
In a recent interview with author Lee Salz, we uncovered a captivating story and discussed the challenges faced by sales management and the impact on buyer-seller relationships.
It's one thing to be able to sell to someone when we know that they're coming to us with a particular problem. But as Daniel Pink wrote in his book, To Sell is Human: "Our job is helping them uncover those problems that they don't know that they...
Tonya Bjurstrom and I had a fun chat about surveys because I love Tonya's latest newsletter, where she said, "When's the last time you took an online survey and thought, Wow! This is great! I feel so valued!"?
I've heard from a lot of people and from some of those that I coach is that this fear that if they do this buyer first approach and their buyer is wrong about how they're seeing their problem or categorizing the solution:
Do you get nervous when you have to talk to your boss or anyone who has authority over you?I mean, most of us do right at least a little bit, but can you guess what's even more nerve-wracking than that? Having your boss talk to someone you introduce...