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Life on "the X" with Stephen Drum

In a recent live interview, I had an engaging conversation with Stephen Drum about his book "Life on the X,". We shared some great insights on how this military concept can be useful in everyday life and business. Let's dive into our discussion and...

When Your Confidence Is Shaken...Do This.

One of the things that I love about my work is that I get to work with every level of the sales organization- from the frontline BDR to the president of the company. And not only sales organizations, but also self-employed and small business owners...

How many emails & phone calls should you be doing in an hour in order to reach your goals?

This is a question that I just got asked on a coaching call from a new business development rep, who was way down on their leaderboard and freaking out because there was a huge gap between where they were and where their top performers were.

Book Review How to Change by Katy Milkman

So, have you ever wondered why some things work for you, but not for others? Or why so many of us fail at our New Year's Eve resolutions every year? It is one of the main things that I am writing about in a chapter right now.

3 Tips to Maintaining Mental Health

You know, my family and friends often tell me that I am a special kind of crazy for being an entrepreneur and a salesperson. 

But did you know that 72 percent of entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues? At least...

This Is Killing You and Your Sales

So, what is the one biggest hidden thing that is impacting your sales and possibly killing you?