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Life on "the X" with Stephen Drum

In a recent live interview, I had an engaging conversation with Stephen Drum about his book "Life on the X,". We shared some great insights on how this military concept can be useful in everyday life and business. Let's dive into our discussion and...

Uncertain times: How businesses survive and thrive

Business is often uncertain. Whether it's a recession, market changes, or unexpected challenges, entrepreneurs, small business owners, sales leaders, and sales professionals demonstrate their resilience by using wisdom and strategy to strive through...

What about the human element in sales?

In sales, it's easy to get caught up in the scripts, pitches, and strategies, forgetting the human connection at the heart of every successful transaction. This realization hit home for me while coaching students at Harvard Business School. And the...

Transform your sales calls into success stories

Let me take you through a scenario that's all too familiar to anyone in sales. You're deep into a thirty-minute discovery chat, maybe about ten minutes from wrapping it up. In addition, you've shared insights and summarized key points, and now it's...

Discovery questions you need to be asking

Have you ever found yourself in a crucial sales meeting with a potential client ready to impress and dive straight into the presentation, eager to showcase your offerings? I know I have. As the conversation progressed, I realized something was...

Unlocking Business Success: Transform your discovery calls

I've learned that effective communication is crucial in sales. It has enabled me to make that initial connection and truly nurture relationships with my clients. 

Transform your sales approach: Unleash success now

So, you've hustled and booked those critical meetings. Now, what's next? The burning question often is: What do I say? What do I ask? And what do I do with the information?

Reaching the big boss without ruffling feathers

Have you ever felt like it's nearly impossible to connect with someone in charge when you're trying to sell something or launch your business? It's like there's a massive barrier in front of you, and the people guarding it don't want to let you...

Closing deals: Talking to the right people

Reaching the decision-maker might sound scary, but it's worth it. Why? Well, not only does it make it more likely that we'll seal the deal, but it also helps us serve our clients better. Sometimes, what they need doesn't quite match up with what...

Maximizing referrals and introductions for business

In business, referrals and introductions are powerful tools for growth. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to maximize them.