Creating the content that you audience wants to read, see, hear or watch isn't easy for anyone, even the ones who live it and breath it on a daily basis. Corey Eridon, Inbound Marketing Content Manager at HubSpot, is certainly one of those people.
- if you do it alone.
- if you aren't inspired.
- if you have a thin skin.
- if you are a perfectionist.
- if you expect immediate results.
If Content is Currency, It's Worth Doing Right
You have likely heard all about content marketing and how crucial it is to SEO now. If you haven't, do a quick search on "Google Penguin and Content Marketing", that should get you caught up. (or you...
“Content is King.”
We’ve been hearing this phrase since 1996 when Bill Gates first predicted that success on the Internet would be in the form of sharing information and entertainment. This one motto has been a driving force behind the growth of...
It’s easy to fall behind on producing fresh, custom web content. I write and edit blogs and websites for a living and it’s tough to set aside time for my own content writing (let alone create a content library). But if you’re serious about...
Today's post is a guest post written by Marnie Grumbach. Marnie is a communications strategist and freelance writer who lives and works in Greater Portland, Maine. She has been writing compelling content for the web, public relations and many other...
Your marketing plan includes blogging, but you sit down and stare at your computer screen and you are transported back to Freshman English Class, a blank white page stares back at you, and your mind goes blank. Sound familiar?
Headlines have always been a topic of spirited discussion in the marketing world. Long before there were websites, emails, landing pages, banners and pay per click ads, headlines played a major role in selling everything from Coca-Cola to Chevrolet.