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Uncertain times: How businesses survive and thrive

Business is often uncertain. Whether it's a recession, market changes, or unexpected challenges, entrepreneurs, small business owners, sales leaders, and sales professionals demonstrate their resilience by using wisdom and strategy to strive through...

Transforming Sales Mindset: It's not about me.

Once upon a time, there was a new business owner (me!) who detested the notion of sales. It was a word that carried the weight of desperation and discomfort, and I found myself struggling in my business as a direct consequence. Like many others, my...

Breaking Free: How sales professionals can thrive

Now, I really enjoy working with all levels of the sales team, from the entry-level BDR to the company president. I don't just work with sales teams, ya'll; I also help self-employed individuals and small business owners who need to sell.

When your sales calls bring up emotions

Understanding emotions is really important in sales conversations. Emotional intelligence is key to sales success because it helps manage the fear of rejection and stay focused. Emotions can make it hard to make good decisions during discovery...

Reaching the big boss without ruffling feathers

Have you ever felt like it's nearly impossible to connect with someone in charge when you're trying to sell something or launch your business? It's like there's a massive barrier in front of you, and the people guarding it don't want to let you...