Father O'Malley answers the phone.
In his book "Sales Shift" (that you should be reading), Frank Belzer calls the approach of a prospect like approaching a red light. You go slow and look before advancing.
If you were to try and make me pick the best conversation I had this week, whether it was through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, email, phone, on other blogs, on my own blog, or in person- I would have a hard time choosing. Clever as I may be...
Is this a Question of Smarketing Ethics?
One of my contacts sent me this story of self control and marksmanship with an itsy bitsy shooter by a woman against a fierce predator. How could such a little weapon be powerful enough to protect her? I'm...
A fellow Inbound Networker asked me some basic questions about Smarketing recently, and I promised her a blog post on the answers. After the 4th page, I thought it best to answer her questions in 2 parts. This post is part 2, for part 1, read the...
This is mostly an observation that I felt compelled to point out. It stems from many sales conversations, my hubby's latest college course on media convergence, and a hot new TV show that caught my eye.
Why I'm Going to Inbound 2012
As you are reading (or listening) to this blog post, I am driving to Boston for my start of Inbound 2012. Monday night is VAR night, and despite my rabble rousing, bear-poking ways in the Hubspot Partner forum, I am...
Do you suffer these common sales and marketing alignment ailments?
Over the past year, I have talked to dozens of marketers, sales professionals, executives and entrepreneurs about Smarketing. Most agreed that aligning sales and marketing processes...