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Closing deals: Talking to the right people

Posted by Carole Mahoney on 2/6/24 3:13 PM

Reaching decision makers for business sales success

Reaching the decision-maker might sound scary, but it's worth it. Why? Well, not only does it make it more likely that we'll seal the deal, but it also helps us serve our clients better. 

Sometimes, what they need doesn't quite match up with what their boss thinks they need. So, it's essential to talk to the big decision-makers. 

What if I mess things up?

You might worry about upsetting someone or think, "What if I mess things up?"  Most of the time, people are more scared of making the wrong choice than sticking with how things are. Therefore, we want to ease their concerns by showing our solution's ability to manage their issues smoothly.

It's like investing in the stock market. Some may be afraid of losing all their money. Our clients might worry about making the wrong decision and the consequences that follow. So, our job is to show them why they should trust us and how our solution will make things better.

the Importance of Reaching the Decision-Maker

When it comes to decision-making, it's important that you don't just rely on someone who claims to have the final say. The actual decision-maker is the one who signs the checks. However, identifying this person may require some effort.

By asking the right questions, our message reaches the right people. Those who make the final decisions.

Watch this video for more in-depth strategies to reach decision-makers

Understanding the decision-maker's priorities and decision-making process is key

Knowing these details helps us tailor our approach and get things moving quickly.

Connecting with the decision-maker to close deals, meet clients' expectations, and establish trust is vital. And then show them why you're the right choice. 

So, don't be afraid to get uncomfortable, ask the right questions, and map out a plan to succeed in sales.

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Topics: sales strategy, sales process, entrepreneur, sales tips, sales performance, small business, sales questions, sales leadership