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How to Shift from Survival Mode to Self Care Mode

Posted by Carole Mahoney on 12/15/20 7:35 AM

How to Shift from Survival Mode to Self Care Mode

Jeanette Bronée helps people and companies work better by working healthy. Far too often she sees people living in survival mode and she guides them to shift that energy into self care mode. But how exactly is that done?


Carole Mahoney:
So Jeanette, you help people and companies bridge the wellness gap, prevent burnout, and rethink self care and its impact on performance- which is what I'm really excited to talk about with you today in regards to sales performance! As well as engagement, relationships, and culture, by empowering, as I think everybody would agree, our most important resource is our humanity.

Which I think, say what you will about the pandemic, it I think has forced a lot of people to start rethinking, redirecting that way.

Can we talk a little bit first about how you help people make this shift from what you call operating survival mode to the self care mindset? Because I know a lot of people, and I am guilty of this myself, have thought self care, frou-frou-y, wussy... You just got to go hard, grind it out, push it out, work it out. So how do we start making that shift?

Jeanette Bronée:
It's one of the $1 million questions, essentially, because there is a multimillion dollar self care business out there, but it's... or not but, I should probably say and, it is somewhat the problem because it looks a lot like it is a treat. It's pampering ourselves. It's taking time away to go do something for us... And that's great too. Listen, it's fantastic!

But when I talk about self care, I talk about the down and dirty, every day self care that we need so that we can be resilient, show up at our best, be what we need to be, not just at work, but also for others, both in our lives, but for customers, for clients, things like that.

I think what is important about it is the shift we're making, or maybe we can even say the differentiation that we're pointing out, is between, there is self care is like, "Oh my God, I got to get away and recover from all this stress that I've had," which is a very wonderful, nice, reactive, recover, maybe even recover from burnout kind of way of looking at self care.

The other way of looking at self care is very proactive. It's the support system that we bring into our every single day habits and perspective.

Carole Mahoney:
Yeah, it's like you burned out, so now you need a band-aid, and so you take off... Kind of like dieting, right? Like there's the fad diet, you need to lose 20 pounds before the big event's going to happen, versus something more proactive, something more like a lifestyle it sounds like.

This is one thing I didn't about you, is that you've spoken at the UN, and delivered TED Talks, and conferences and workshops around the world to really talk about how to facilitate this change in the relationships that we have really with ourselves so that we can be busy but healthy at the same time. A lot of people who are working from home, they're finding it hard to find this kind of a balance. 

Learn more from Jeanette in this series!
The What Sales Can Learn About Self Care series is just kicking off as this is the first post. Subscribe to our blog and stay tuned for more!

If you can't wait, feel free to visit the BrightTalk channel to watch the full session now, or visit Jeanette's website.

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