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Smarketing Reality Check: Entreprenuers and Big Competition

Do You Really Want a Big Business Customer?

In a previous post, I spouted off a bit on small businesses who are cursing big business for beating them out, whether it is online in search ranking or in their store fronts.

Is your sales and marketing alignment 'Smarter Than a 5th grader'?

Ever watch that game, "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?". Seems like a ridiculous concept at first right? I mean of course I am smarter than a 5th grader!

How does Smarketing relate to a learning organizational culture?

Smarketing, Business Development and the Learning Organization

An article in Business Week caught my attention as I waited in my doctor's office recently. "How the Mighty Fall" featured a book excerpt from Jim Collins where he discusses 5 stages of...