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The Social Economy and Corporate Giving as a Marketing Strategy

Posted by Carole Mahoney on 8/17/11 10:00 AM
Almost a year later, my book review post on "Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead" is still our most popular blog article. From my reading, I listed 5 things I learned from it that I planned to put into practice. I really only want to talk about #4 right now.
"Finding new charities to give to in my local community that really mean something to me. Environmental, small business oriented, educational...."
There are so many worthwhile charities I would like to be a part of. But the key to being passionate about something is that is has to be personal.
So let's get personal.
When I was in high school, I used to babysit for a young boy who was deaf.  I was fascinated and delighted by him and how he processed the things around him. Like music. He loved it. Odd, right? I mean he couldn't hear it! But he could feel it. Every vibration that the bass or drums would make through a speaker, he danced to it as if he heard every note.
He was curious about everything, like any child. But unlike any child, he couldn't always express in words what he felt. Bedtimes were the hardest, it was always a test of the wills as to how many times I would put him back in bed and sign to him "No, stay. Sleep." He and I learned sign language together (though I have forgotten much for lack of use).
I remember his mom getting so frustrated trying to find basic care like kindergarten and a pediatrician! He had to be homeschooled a lot which was hard because both parents had to work to try to pay for the extra services their son needed. I helped babysit in the  summer and after school. When I wasn't babysitting I was writing letters and articles to anyone who would listen to try and keep their special needs school open.
Then a really cool thing happened. I was in concert choir at my high school that year and my teacher let me do a couple of songs in sign language as a way to raise awareness. The little boy was so excited when he saw us perform it, he joined in with me and helped me sign- he loved the attention!
I learned a lot from the experience, empathy obviously, resilience, doing something because you can, even if it only makes a difference in one person's life. Most of all, I learned how easy it was to take everyday things for granted.
So that is why I choose Woodford's Family Services as MiM's next corporate charity recipient. While many might criticize companies or individuals that promote all their charity work as self-promoting, I can not think of a better way to use one's social media influence (whether a company or an individual). Why keep it a secret? Who does that benefit?
And while we are not doing this because of the 'social economic factor', we are using it for a marketing campaign.  Making noise about great things is one of the things we do- it's in our DNA.
I like how Bill Gates phrased it. “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”
So, how do you empower others? What charities does your organization support? Now is your chance to give them a plug!
Want to help us empower others? Learn more about how you can help make Woodford's Annual Benefit Auction a success.
Think that corporate giving is something you want to include in your marketing strategy? Contact us or check out our next inbound internet marketing training course- maybe we can help you too.

Topics: marketing strategy