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What are sales, marketing and fishing metaphors missing?

What sales and marketing taught me about fishing.

The majority of metaphors you can read about sales and fishing use this in reverse; What fishing can teach you about sales and marketing. My twist is not to confuse you, merely to illustrate the...

Has Sales & Marketing Integration Mutated the Sales Funnel?

Can your sales and marketing strategy predict the buying process?

Poor Ben. In a previous post, I started the story of Ben and his door to door sales strategy for the 'non-profit' organization he was working for. The sales process that happened...

The sales strategy you need to kill now.

Are your sales scripts creating sales zombies that kill your sales?

I was asked recently what my opinion of sales scripts are. I hesitated to say that I think they are a complete waste of time and create lazy salespeople, simply because many...

Sales Assessment tests aren't just for sales people.

Your buying process effects how you do sales AND marketing.

Why!? In a sentence; How you buy can get in the way when you are trying to sell to someone who has the same buying process as you. You naturally empathize and put up with price...

How will Women Entreprenuers Change the World?

More women (than men) are graduating from college, starting businesses, families.

How do you use social media in your sales strategy?

Is social media a waste of time or a critical sales 2.0 strategy?

It would seem to be a given. If sales is about developing relationships, and social media is about relationships, then how can social media possibly be a waste of time for any sales...

Smarketing for Entrepreneurs: The Pitfalls & Opportunities

If you are both the Sales & Marketing person in one, how can Smarketing help you?

This is a question I am asked frequently, most recently at the Maine Marketing Association lunch and learn where Rick Roberge and I talked about common sales and...

What Two Factors Are Most Important to Sales & Marketing Success?

Here we go.

Got Tricks? What Kind of Sales Strategy is that?

Sales Leads and Opportunities are Not Linear

If you are patient and wait for inspiration, it will come. But that is only true for artists, not salespeople. You have to do the daily activities to keep filling the pipeline. But be careful, if you...

The Biggest, Baddest, Most Dangerous Online Lead Generation Myth

An Online Lead Generation Machine Will Not Increase Sales 

In fact, there are those who make the news with how many online leads they generated.