Do you want any customer, or the right customer?
I've had some interesting conversations in the past couple days, and some of the things I've been hearing have made me pause and think:
I've had some interesting conversations in the past couple days, and some of the things I've been hearing have made me pause and think:
Dating, like courting prospects, is a learning process. We're not born knowing what kind of person we'll get along with. Most businesses don't know beforehand who their best customers are going to be either.
Regular readers of this blog probably know that Mahoney Internet Marketing is a HubSpot VAR. This means (among other things) that we use HubSpot every day. And every time I log on to HubSpot, I type the wrong password first. For a month now, I...
Feuds between sales and marketing are as old as fairy tales. Well, okay, maybe not that old. But it's well known that traditionally, sales and marketing haven't always been happy partners.
Each side thinks they're the princess - and the other guy...