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How the Data Proved Me Wrong About Sales Managers

Last week I presented brand new data on sales managers and their impact on their salespeople. If you were one of the sales managers and executives with growing teams that were there- thank you for your questions, the conversations in the hallways...

How true is the saying 'As goes the manager, so goes the team'?

Last year a sales manager asked for sales coaching because he “...didn’t want his shortcomings to become the collateral damage to his team.” After going through a 3-6 month program to ‘coach the coach’ and the team at the same time, his SaaS sales...

Are you setting your new sales hire up to fail?

Imagine if your teenager was taught to drive by spending only a week or two watching training videos and sitting in the passenger seat watching you and others drive. Would you want them driving you across the country? Or even just across town in a...

What a failed sales hire really costs and how to reduce the risks

It is pretty normal at the beginning of the year for many companies to start hiring salespeople, or to at least start thinking about hiring. When I ask VP of Sales and CEOs what their ideal salesperson is like and what they will need to accomplish,...

8 Competencies a VP of Sales Needs to Succeed

Lately several VPs of Sales have approached me or been referred to me. Some want help understanding what is happening with their sales force. Others are new to the role and “need to make sure this goes right” to prove they can do it. Others are...

What can you do now to impact Q4 revenue?

“Do I need to hire a coach, or a trainer?”

A little background: This question has come up several times over the past few weeks, but with different variables because everyone’s business and situation is different. When I start noticing patterns in...

4 Toxic Sales Leadership Practices that Kill Revenue

First thing on Monday morning one of our inside sales clients, let’s call him Scott, told us that their manager insisted that they send a proposal to all the opportunities in their pipeline that “might possibly close this month.” Didn’t matter what...

Your Sales Leaders: Problem or Solution?

Yesterday was the beginning of 4Q16 (the beginning of the end), and I got up early to make sure I had time for plenty of coffee, yoga and reflection before I started the day with 90 minutes of back to back coaching calls at 8am. It`s not very often...

How much of a notice do you need?

One of the clients that we have been coaching recently changed jobs. They had taken the new role in the larger company initially because it was a challenge with room for them to grow. Ultimately though, even with our coaching, they became very...